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To achieve our objective, we consider it our job to study and take action aimed at preventing and eliminating egregious violations of human rights.

  • We want people to understand that all human rights must be maintained.
  • We encourage nations to recognize and enforce international human rights norms.
  • We urge governments, political parties, corporations, other organizations, and individuals to uphold and protect human rights.


Our vision is a future in which everyone has access to all of the human rights guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights treaties.


We are a global movement of 200 members, supporters, and activists across the world standing up for humanity and human rights. Our purpose is to protect individuals wherever justice, fairness, freedom, and truth are denied. With these values in our hearts, we have stopped torture, freed prisoners, prevented executions, and saved homes.

The human rights organisation Rights of the People strongly condemned and protested Dr. Muhammad Yunus’ 6-month imprisonment.

On behalf of the UK-based human rights organisation “Rights of the People,” the organisation’s president, Assadujjaman Shafi, and secretary, Foyez Ahmed, expressed deep concern over the 6-month prison sentence given to Nobel laureate and Grameen Telecom chairman Dr. Muhammad Yunus. On January 3, strongly condemning and protesting this incident, the statement said, “Dr. Muhammad Yunus is an international personality. He brought honor to Bangladesh. On Monday, January 1, the government announced a planned six-month sentence against him in a case of violating labor laws in Bangladesh, the statement said. Because of the speeches given by people at different levels from the head of the government, especially during the inauguration of the Padma Bridge by the Prime Minister. It is evident from Muhammad Yunus’s aggressive statement about throwing him into the water. Muhammad Yunus is a victim of government vengeance. 

The statement also said that the courts in Bangladesh have been convicting political leaders for the past few months. The false judgment of the court has created many questions in the minds of the countrymen. Dr. Yunus is no exception. The government is trying to make the country empty of leadership by implicating popular people in conspiracy cases.As part of this plan, a respected person in the international arena. Muhammad Yunus, too, has faced prosecution and harassment. He immediately demanded that this false verdict against him be annulled, and his release was speedy.

Statement of Rights of the People on the occasion of World Human Rights Day

World leaders must come forward to protect human rights in a troubled world.

On the occasion of December 10 World Human Rights Day, Rights of the People’s President Assadujjaman Shafi and General Secretary Foyez Ahmed said in a joint statement today on December 10 that although World Human Rights Day is celebrated all over the world, human rights are being grossly violated in various countries, including Bangladesh.

Afghanistan, Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, China’s Xinjiang Province, and Uyghur Muslims are being tortured and massacred. Human Rights Day is being celebrated all over the world at a time when state-sponsored extrajudicial killings, disappearances, murders, terrorism, rape of women and children, torture, corruption, and human rights violations are going on in Bangladesh. The people of Bangladesh today are severely deprived of their right to vote, freedom of expression, the right to hold meetings, and the right to freely engage in politics. In a word, there is no security for people’s lives and property in the country. HRW has documented the cases of 86 people who have gone missing in Bangladesh since 2009 and are still missing after the Awami League came to power. However, the Bangladeshi government has repeatedly denied the involvement of law enforcement agencies and security forces in the disappearance. In Myanmar, the government of that country forcibly pushed 11 lakh Rohingya Muslims to Bangladesh by depriving them of their citizenship and burning their houses. They are living an inhumane life today.

Rights of the People call on all peace-loving countries and international organisations, including the United Nations and OIC, to take effective measures to stop internal and external aggression, military attacks, and human rights violations in countries where human rights are being violated.

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